Welcome Monkey to MiniMonos! Minimonos is a safe virtual world for Good Green Kids. On MiniMonos you can play games, chat with friends, decorate your monkey, and decorate your treehouse. Monkeys all around the world play MiniMonos learning how to be green. If you don’t clean the lagoon, the fish don’t come back. If you don’t do their recycling, their treehouse gets messy! All of these skills encourage kids to go green. This guide will tell you a little about MiniMonos and what you can do on it.
Have you ever wondered how to move around on Minimonos? How monkeys can move and go from place to place? Well,it is really easy,you just need to know how and that is what you will seeing today. There are 3 ways you can move around on Minimonos. You walk around while on a server by simply clicking where you want to go.
Minimonos has 3 servers right now, Star Tiger, Cyclops, And Bounty. You can choose which ever you choose and simply click on it and you will be taken to ''Castle Beach'' on Minimonos. Please note that all the servers have the same rooms and features! The planets and how big the Sun is also represents how many monkeys are online!
Menu Bar
Minimonos also has a Menu Bar that currently consists of 7 features and the Menu Bar is one of the most commom,used tools on Minimonos! The first feature consists of the ''Chatter'' where you can look at what monkeys have said,in case you need to see something they said again. The second feature consists of the ''Translator'' where you can change the Language of Minimonos from English to Spanish,really helpful for monkeys from another country or if you don't know English! The third feature consists of ''Chatting'' that includes of words that Minimonos automatically gives you if you do not use the feature to talk freely,but if you do chat freely,just simply type your message and hit the ''Enter'' key or the ''Enter'' on Minimonos,and you can also mute the music on Minimonos! The fourth feature consists of the ''Journal'' where you can have many features and it is really helpful. The fifth feature consists of ''Treehouse'' and if you click it,you will be directly taken to your monkey's treehouse. The sixth feature consists of ''Map'' and if you click it you will have a variety of locations to go to. The seventh,and final feature consists of ''Messages'' where you can check all the messages that monkeys have sent you. You can tell if you have a message by just checking if that little icon is glowing.
Hello Monkeys, and welcome to your journal! Your journal is where you can view some of your very own information on MiniMonos! Now, you can get into your journal by pressing this button here:
See it? SEE IT? Yeah! That button! :D You can also get to it by click your monkey in world. Now, when you first open up your journal, this is what you should see:
Friend's Journal
That part of your journal is called your “Friend’s Journal!” It’s shown as the red tab On your friends journal, you can buy gold memberships, banana chips and shells. You can view how much (if any) gold you have left, check your monkeys current outfit, and see all the newest MiniMonos news by some of the Non Playing Characters! From there, you can get to every other page in your journal. So, let’s go in order!
Buddy List
Now, we have the orange tab, which opens up your buddy list!
Your buddy list shows you ALL of your friends! Here, you can view how many pages of buddies you have, and you can invite friends to join Minimonos by clicking the big green button! :D Awesome! Now, here you can also see the friends you have online! If a friends is online, they will have a colored monkey next to their name, like Sonic4572 does. If they are not on, they will have a non colored monkey like 03Dakots100 does. Next to a friends name, they have a treehouse and a mail symbol. You can click the treehouse symbol to go to their treehouse, and click the mail to open up or continue a chat log with them! Coolio! :D
Next, we have our friend the green tab. The green tab shows you EVERYTHING you own. Here, you can view all the costumes, clothes, treehouse items, and well, everything else you have!
Inside it, there are more green tabs.
Yeah! Those ones! See em? The left one is all the other combined. The next one shows you all your outdoor tree items. The one after that let’s you view all your indoor tree items. After that, it shows all your clothes, and the next is all your rewards. The final one shows all the other items you have, like xpowers and strawberries. What’s cool is, your friends can see this one! :D
Fourthly, we have the blue tab! YAYY!!!!!! The blue tab shows all the current quests you can do!
Some quests, like being MiniMod and Top Banana, are permanent. It will tell you if you have completed a quest. Like, I’ve completed the Tiger and Top Banana quest, but not the MiniMod Quest. :P You can click any of those quests to see what more you have to do :)
Next and second to last, we have the ULTRA SUPER MOST EPIC TAB, that’s purple. :P The purple tab is a place where you can view all your current xpowers, and then buy some!
You can hit “Get Powers” to buy the current powers. Sometimes, they will have temporary seasonal powers you can buy! :D
Finally, we have the pink tab OF EVIL!!! No, not really, but still. The pink tab is the “Settings” tab, and right now it only has one setting, Allowing Sleepwalking.
Sleep walking keeps your monkey in world after you logout buy with a Z.z.Z next to your name. Right now, it doesn’t work anymore, but maybe soon!
More Coming Soon!