February 13, 2011

MiniMonos Island 2.0 - A Whole New Blogging Experience

Thats Right! MiniMonos Island 2.0 is here! Honestly I love it! Its original name and header design. I have a lot to show you on here. There will be better posts, contests, parties, and graphics! EVEN A DANCING MONKEY WITH A TUBA! Don't Believe Me? Well here's one right now:


Yes I did lie but wouldnt that be sooo cool? Well I have nothing else to say so take it away Sonic!

-Minimonos Island 2.0 (Mattybon)

Haha,yeah Minimonos Island 2.0 is finally here. We will have better posts,parties,contests and a lot more. We love updating our blog so you monkeys can get the best Minimonos Cheats. As you can even see,we now have darker colors, Why do we have darker colors? Well, we added darker colors so it can save up light/power/energy and we can help the environment ^_^ Here is just a few new things you will see.

  • New Header
  • New Widgets
  • Navbar
  • New border colors
  • New Support Banners/Support Banner Site
  • More coming Soon on the future
We really work very hard to give you the best Minimonos Cheats. We hope that you enjoy Minimonos Island 2.0. This will be your place for Minimonos Cheats. We even reached 6,000 hits just in time. And remember... If you have any ideas or suggestions,leave a comment below!

-Minimonos Island 2.0 (Sonic4572)


  1. Nice redesign! I love the hand drawn header font!

  2. Thanks Badgerfox for the comment! I really appreciate it! ^_^

  3. Thanks Pepper! Great job on yours too! ^_^
