January 4, 2011

Monkey Fact Monday

Hey monkeys,

It is time for Monkey Fact Monday again and this week we are learning about the Caqueta Titi!

The Caqueta Titi was discovered a few years ago in the Amazon Rainforest! How cool is that?! Let's see more!

Only around 250 of these are left in the world! I think that is very sad and I hope they don't become extinct! Agricultural practices there are breaking up their habitat and they can't find new feeding areas! That's so sad!! These monkeys live in a small area of the Amazon Rainforest
too -- Their area is about 3.86 square miles in size!Caquetá_Titi
Their fur is usually brown,and they have a lighter colored tail,and a reddish colored belly,neck and cheeks! Wow! Sounds colorful! Haha!
They are about the size of a cat,and they go together is small groups,of 4-5 monkeys! -- The adult monkeys who stay together for life,and their offspring that aren't fully mature!

If you want to learn more,click HERE

Wow,this is really awesome and I really want to protect these monkeys! They are very nice! :) Did you like this Monkey Fact Monday? Leave your thoughts and comments below!

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